UK Challenge statement in response to the ongoing Coronavirus situation

Dave Moran, CEO of Marco Polo Events and the UK Challenge explains the current position:
Following a detailed review of the current COVID-19 situation it is with a heavy heart that we have taken the decision to postpone the 2020 event and move it to 10th – 13th September 2020.
Whilst we had a degree of confidence that we will be emerging from the current crisis by July, it is now clear that there is a high chance that there will still be restrictions in place on mass gatherings and the complexity of our support organisations and supply chains increase that level of uncertainty.
As a business we are committed to being there in the post-COVID world and whilst there will be tough challenges and many of us will have lost loved ones before their time, we WILL emerge stronger. I have always been in awe of the camaraderie and talent of those that take part and possessed of a spirit that will be needed in the weeks and months ahead.
We will, however, not stand still and I can also announce that we will now hold our Captains’ day on Friday 10th July at Lancaster University. In addition, we will look to hold an event on Saturday 11th July, the inaugural “Brain Race”. This will of course be subject to any government restrictions but we are confident that this outdoor pairs race will be able to go ahead.
It is our intention to run this event in support of our magnificent key workers in the NHS, our frontline against this virus and a group to whom we will all owe a huge debt.
We have retained accommodation at the University for the NHS Brain Race and this will be a great opportunity to tune up for the event in September.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you require more information, and stay safe,
Best Regards,
Dave Moran
Please keep an eye on our social media pages and newsletters for further updates.